Wasserstrom Cleaning and Safety

cleaning & safety

Superfoam ™ Anti-Fatigue Mat Great for dishwashing and bar areas. 5/8" thickness. Closed cell non-absorbent PVC nitrile. Lightweight and impervious to grease and oil. Easy to clean and maintain. 126154 3' x 2' x 5 / 8 ", Black 648039 3' x 5' x 5 / 8 ", Black


Atlantic Olefin ™ Floor Mat Atlantic Olefin is a step above the commodity entrance mat and is intended for light to medium foot traffic. The durable olefin fibers provide moisture and dirt retention at entrances and passageways reducing slip hazards and floor care maintenance. 648043 3' x 6', Crimson Red

Fragranced Urinal Z-Mat Contains a fungicide to fight germs and combat odors. Prevents puddling and floor damage. Features a velcro backing to grip floors tightly and prevent sliding. Fresh Blast fragrance. 160105 Urinal Mat, 17½ " x 20 3 / 8 "

Classic Slip-Resistant High Traffic Mat

Designed for people working in extremely high-traffic areas . Patented slip-resistant rubber bottom and grid pattern. Drainage slots. Tapered edges prevent trips and allows carts to easily roll over. Easy handling and cleaning. 544122 3' x 5', Black

Absorbent Safety Mats Ideal for high-traffic indoor entrance areas. Made from super absorbent polypropylene, this mat holds up to 1.5 gallons of liquid per square yard. 6059058 3' x 5', Ribbed, Pepper 6059071 4' x 6', Ribbed, Pepper

Antimicrobial Urinal Mat Features a carpet-like texture and antimicrobial compounds built right into the mat to neutralize germs that cause odors. This mat cuts down on mopping and prevents floor staining. 6052531 Black




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