Wasserstrom Cleaning and Safety
Making A Difference
Talkin’ Trash Since 1960, America has tripled the amount of waste we generate, reaching 250 million tons of garbage a year. Did You Know? • Americans toss out enough paper & plastic cups, forks and • The United States produces 70% of the world’s solid waste. 80% of U.S. products are used once and then thrown away. • Only about 1/10 th of all solid garbage in the U.S. gets recycled. • Food is now the #1 material sent to landfills and incinerators. • According to the National Restaurant Association, 60% of consumers prefer to patronize restaurants that recycle and 51% of consumers are willing to pay more at restaurants that recycle. spoons every year to circle the equator 300 times. • We throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour.
Safe & Sound In the U.S., hospitality workers are nearly 40% more likely to be injured on the job than all other service sector workers.
Did You Know? • According to OSHA, slip, trip and fall accidents are the leading cause of injuries in commercial environments. Since 1980, injury lawsuits have risen by more than 300%. • National Safety Council estimates workplace falls cause approximately 300,000 injuries and more than 1,500 deaths each year. • The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports nearly 14,000 cuts and punctures each year and over 7,000 heat burns in foodservice establishments.
Energy Burn
Why conserve energy? Typically, properties operate on a thin profit margin and reducing the amount of energy used means more dollars can go towards the bottom line. Did You Know? • Use energy efficient lighting. LED bulbs are the ultimate energy saver. They can last up to five times longer than other bulbs and are affordable. • Reduce water consumption. Buy equipment that helps conserve water like pre-rinse spray valves. • Keep equipment clean and service it regularly. Carbon and grease build-up make your cooking equipment work harder and use more energy.
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