Wasserstrom Hospitality Healthcare 2023 Catalog

Camtainer® Insulated Beverage Servers Use to hold, transport and serve hot or cold beverages. One piece, seamless double-wall polyethylene with thick foam insulation. Sturdy latches secure lids tightly and will never rust. Drip-proof recessed spigot for easy self-serve access. Interlocking design ensures stable stacking during transport and storage.

Knock Down Series Bun Pan Racks Aluminum construction. End load. 3" angle spacing. 5" swivel plate casters. 201/2"w x 26"d.

914232 206458 Heavy-Duty 414223

Holds 18 Pans, 63"h Holds 20 Pans, 701/4"h


Dark Brown 106208

Slate Blue 106226 106228 214538

106185 106186 214531

21/2 gallon 43/4 gallon 113/4 gallon

Holds 20 Pans, 701/4"h




Ultra Camtainer® Insulated Beverage Servers

Heavy-Duty Series Bun Pan Racks All-welded aluminum construction. 5" swivel plate casters.

Keep beverages hot or cold for hours. One piece, seamless double-wall polyethylene with thick foam insulation. Wide nylon latches are easy to open and close with one hand. Drip-proof recessed spigot for easy self-serve access. Interlocking design ensures stable stacking during transport and storage. Self-adhesive beverage label set with each unit.

Front Load, 201/2"w x 26"d x 701/4"h 312690

Side Load, 281/2"w x 18"d x 701/4"h 524651

20 Pans, 3" Spacing 12 Pans, 5" Spacing

20 Pans, 3" Spacing



Gray Granite 6065677

281735 686649 106147

23/4 gallon 51/4 gallon 101/2 gallon

105115 105121


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